CareManager Pro® Visual Demo
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Client Demographic Module           
All the data modules you require for a complete Client Record          

Data entered on all the "category tabs" create a complete and comprehensive Face Sheet

Note: All Forms, Invoices, Statements and Reports can be converted to Acrobat PDF and emailed

Modules / Records: 

Activity Log  -  All Contacts  -  Allergies  -  Assessments  -  Assist. Items / Conditions / Diagnosis  -  Attachments  -  Billing / Invoicing

Care Plan  -  Case Lookup  -  Case Notes  -  Client Contacts  -  Client Demographics  -  Client Employment  -  Client Rates

Documents  -  Editing Notes  -  Forms  -  Groups  -  HIPAA  -  Hospitalizations  -  Immunizations  -  Insurances

(Request CareManager Pro ® for 30 Days - No obligation - Make an informed purchase decision!
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